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Sewing Labels on Blankets

Each blanket, gets one label hand-stitched anyway possible to the back of said blanket.  Please do not modify our labels, they signify where each blanket came from.  It is extremely important that the hospitals know where the blankets came from in case there is a problem.

Newborn blankets regardless of how they are made should be no bigger than a 3 foot BY 4.5 foot rectngle, and no smaller than a 2 foot square.

Children's Chemotherapy caps can be sewn, knit or crocheted, and must measure between 12-18 in height.  They can include a brim just like the one in the picture, and to be consider acceptable must measure a circumfernce of 22-27 inches.  

Preemie Hats can be knit or crocheted, and should be 8-11 inches in circumference, and measure 5-7 inches in height.

Newborn hats should be a little bigger; measuring around 13-16 inches in circumference, and 7.5-11 inches in height.

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